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Shale gas and coalbed methane

Large-scale Coalbed Methane Desorption Drainage Produce Device



  CBM-FS high pressure coal reservoir simulation experimental device is a experimental model which has the similar ratio of the coal field based on the similarity principle and with the aid of the latest achievements in modern science and technology, such as advanced computer technology, sensor technology, to carry out physical simulation experiments on the model, thus can establish a set of simulated experiment platform of desorption and producing of CBM by reducing the pressure step by step under the conditions of simulated field geological condition.The device's main purpose is to study the precipitation of coal bed methane and in which process, the distribution and change of the pressure; At the same time to study the desorption process and regulation in the mining way of grading reduce the pressure in different well patterns.

Main technical parameters

1,the system pressure: 15 MPa

2,size of studio model: φ400×400mm

3,working temperature of model: room temperature to 120℃

4,injection flow:0.01~ to 5ml/min

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版权所有:江苏华安科研仪器有限公司   备案号:苏ICP备09047690号-2

销售热线:0513-88965118  88918088  公司传真:0513-88965118  88918088

邮    箱:huaanchina@163.com  邮    编:226600  公司地址:江苏海安开发区鑫港路8号